Facebook Messenger Chatbot by CBOT
As CBOT, we aim to enable customers to reach a seamless conversational experience without any restriction in terms of the platforms and help companies to provide this experience through the platforms that the customers prefer to use daily. We integrate our chatbots just by clicks to Facebook Messenger besides many other widespread platforms and channels, including voice assistants. By this integration, the customers report a card lost to their bank, buy a flight ticket and order a t-shirt just by chatting with the brands through a Facebook Messenger chatbot.
Regarding the conversational interfaces, Mark Zuckerberg’s announcement about the Messenger Bot Platform at F8 in April 2016 has been a milestone. Since then, as the capabilities of the AI based chatbots got mature and more people preferred messaging as a way of interaction, many companies have chosen Facebook Messenger as a platform to position their chatbots and communicate with their customers in a natural, intuitive and direct way. It is obvious that AI-based chatbots are transforming the way brands interact with their customers in terms of mainly marketing, sales and customer support,and Messenger is one of the most common hosts of this interaction.
What is Facebook Messenger?
Facebook Messenger is a free mobile messaging app used for instant messaging, sharing photos, videos, audio recordings and for group chats. The app can be used to communicate with your phone contacts as well as your friends on Facebook.
According to the official figures on Facebook’s Q4/2019 results, Facebook’s family of apps has over 2.9 billion active users per month. Around 2.3 billion users use one of the apps every day. Facebook alone has 2.5 billion monthly users worldwide. Facebook Messenger with 1.3 billion users is the second most widespread messaging app, following WhatsApp. As of 2018, there are over 300,000 Facebook Messenger chatbots active in the market. Besides these overall numbers, each and every geographic region has its own structure of habit regarding messaging platforms. Facebook Messenger is the most active messaging platform in North America and Australia, whereas WhatsApp is the most active one in Western Europe, LATAM, Russia and Turkey. So, being “available” on these platforms is very important for businesses who aim to implement a multi-channel or omnichannel strategy.
Why to use a Facebook Messenger chatbot?
First, it is easy to enter into this platform for both customers and companies. The platform is widespread and free, 68% of app users use Facebook Messenger. It is also suitable to chat for a business purpose. People exchange 2 billion messages with businesses over Facebook Messenger every month. It is cheaper, easier and more sustainable to communicate with the customers for the companies than developing their own mobile application. Apart from the most powerful and most actively used apps, 71 percent of users delete an app within 90 days.
Secondly, interacting with the customers through a conversational way is more aligned with their everyday habits compared to SMS, email and outbound calls and other “traditional” ways of communication.Comparing the channels, it is obvious that the probability of opening a Facebook Messenger message is much higher than a marketing email. Thirdly, when your bot welcomes the potential customers, it can identify them, their needs and many other valuable information about them and provides data and leads into your CRM system. This way of communication creates a higher opportunity of data collection and empowers your data-driven marketing muscle.
How do businesses use a Facebook Messenger Chatbot?
The most prominent use cases for Facebook Messenger chatbots are ecommerce (by the new terminology “conversational commerce”), services business such as healthcare, hospitality and airlines, and customer support in the broader sense. For example, by Facebook Messenger chatbots “conversational commerce” became a part of our life. Facebook Messenger chatbots can replace traditional, time consuming shopping experiences on a website that involve menus and filters. Customers can quickly see the popular products, view details, choose the product, start shopping and experience this process as a whole. In fact, this experience is mimicking the process offered by a salesperson that help us in the physical stores.
In addition to the ecommerce industry, customer support is another broad area that has a potential for Facebook Messenger chatbots without any industry limit. The companies can provide a very efficient customer service, answer FAQs, perform actions and provide advice through a Facebook Messenger chatbot. From a comprehensive customer experience perspective, a successful chatbot that is already available on the company’s web page, WhatsApp or Google Assistant should cover Facebook Messenger as well. It enables the business to automate the FAQs, integrate the chatbot into the internal systems and provide a seamless human handover when the customers explicitly say or the bot understands that human help is needed. Such a customer support model makes, the concentration of human agents on higher priority or complex tasks where human touch is more valuable, possible. At the moment that you make such a process live through an AI based chatbot operating on Facebook Messenger, you have transformed Facebook Messenger to a 24/7 available customer service mechanism.
One click integration to Facebook Messenger
As CBOT, we can provide all our AI capabilities through Facebook Messenger. Companies can develop their Facebook Messenger chatbots using our conversational AI platform that involves NLP (natural language processing) and machine learning technologies, dialogue design tools, advanced AI training and testing methods and capabilities around usage analytics. In addition, we can take the end-to-end responsibility of development of a chatbot on Facebook Messenger. As CBOT, we have an experienced that, in general, chatbots are not developed just for Facebook Messenger but this channel is complimentary for most of the cases besides web page. Ensuring a very easy integration is one of our strengths as we always support multichannel digital strategies of the companies that want to be present wherever their customers digitally live. Besides Facebook Messenger, we develop AI-based chatbots functioning through the web pages, mobile apps, WhatsApp, Apple Business Chat, Google Assistant, IVR, voice assistants and even Google RCS – CBOT the first Google RCS partner in Turkey and among the first 20 globally. By just deploying our chatbots, whether you are a large enterprise, for example a bank, an ecommerce company or a service business that want to increase efficiency in your customer support management, the company can handle FAQs and solve most of the customer needs through their mostly used platform by the power of AI. As CBOT, we handle the integration without creating any extra burden and cost to its partners.