Client Story: İnfo Yatırım (Investments)

İnfo Yatırım’s Virtual Assistant, built on CBOT Platform and CBOT’s NLP (Natural Language Processing) technology, allows customers to receive instant answers to their questions and requests. İnfo Yatırım’s customers can easily access information about the investment and brokerage services of the
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Client Story: eLogo

eLogo’s virtual assistant, built on CBOT Platform and CBOT’s NLP (Natural Language Processing) technology, allows customers to receive instant answers to their questions. eLogo customers can easily access the information they seek about subscription transactions, e-invoice, error messages and more by corres
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Client Story: Atatürk University ATA-AÖF Support

  “ATA-AÖF Support”, the virtual assistant of Atatürk University Open Education Faculty, built on CBOT Platform and CBOT’s NLP (Natural Language Processing) technology, enables students to reach the information through its web page, Facebook Messenger and the mobile app AtaMeta. Atatürk University Ope
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Client Story: Bayer

Bayer’s “Bilene Sor”, built on CBOT Platform and CBOT’s NLP (Natural Language Processing) technology, allows women to receive instant answers to their questions. Women can easily access the information they seek about women’s health and birth control by corresponding with Bilene Sor. Bilene Sor fu
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Client Story: Eurasia Channel 24/7

  CBOT & Eurasia Tunnel Co-created a Successful Virtual Assistant   Euroasia Tunnel 24/7, built on CBOT Platform and CBOT’s NLP (Natural Language Processing) technology, enables the tunnel users to get information and perform transactions through its web page and WhatsApp account.   Eurosia Tunnel us
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Client Story: McDonald’s – Appetite Line

CBOT & McDonald’s Launched a Successful Ordering Virtual Assistant   McDonald’s Appetite Line, built on CBOT Platform and CBOT’s NLP (Natural Language Processing) technology, enables customers to order menus and track their existing orders.  McDonald’s customers can order menu, track thei
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Client Story: Daikin

Daikin Virtual Assistant, built on CBOT Platform and CBOT’s NLP (Natural Language Processing) technology, allows customers to receive instant answers to their questions and requests. Daikin & Airfel customers can easily report their requests for discovery and service requests or access the information for pro
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Client Story: Ministry of National Education – MEB Asistan

MEB Asistan: New AI-based Virtual Assistant of the Ministry of Education MEB Asistan, the second AI-based virtual assistant that is launched in partnership with the Ministry of National Education responds all the questions by artificial intelligence MEB Asistan is a digital assistant that answers everyone who wants
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EBA Assistant

Client Story: Ministry of Education – EBA Assistant

EBA Assistant: Turkey’s first massively used AI-based virtual assistant  Launched in collaboration with the Turkish Republic Ministry of Education, EBA Assistant, is the first massively used AI-based virtual assistant in Turkey that answered the highest number of  questions ever EBA Assistant is a digital a
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Garanti BBVA

Client Story: Garanti BBVA – UGI

Voice-based virtual assistant, UGI, is smarter with CBOT’s technology Garanti BBVA partnered with CBOT to empower its virtual assistant, UGI, with CBOT’s NLP technology and industry expertise Garanti BBVA’s partnership with CBOT made UGI more intelligent and understand the natural human phrases via voice and
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ING Bank

Client Story: ING – INGo

CBOT And a Top Global Financial Brand, ING, Combined Their Forces For a Better Customer Experience INGo has been selected as the best AI-based chatbot among the ING Group institutions! ING has collaborated with CBOT, to create INGo, an AI-based chatbot, that provides relevant and instant answers to the banking ques
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Client Story: QNB Finansbank – Q

Q: A success story by CBOT and QNB Finansbank Q, the virtual assistant of QNB Finansbank, that is built on CBOT Platform and CBOT’s NLP (Natural Language Processing) technology, answers the customer queries and performs basic transactions with a very high accuracy ratio. It calculates the loan interest if the
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Client Story: Fibabanka – Fi’bot

CBOT Proudly Announces “Fi’bot”, The AI-Based Chatbot of Fibabanka An AI-Based Banking Chatbot From the Young Bank: Fi’bot Fi’bot, developed by CBOT based on its NLP and machine learning technologies, helps customers with a comprehensive coverage, including almost every subfield of retail banking such
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Client Story: HDI Sigorta – HADİ

CBOT & HDI Sigorta Co-created a Successful Insurance Chatbot  HADİ, built on CBOT Platform and CBOT’s NLP (Natural Language Processing) technology, answers customer queries, and directs the users to the right processes. By HADİ, the users can reach the information they are looking for instantly. For urgent
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Client Story: Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik – AHE Assistant

AHE Assistant: Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik’s AI-Based Chatbot Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik and CBOT proved how chatbots simplify private pensions and life insurance. AHE Asistan, developed by CBOT based on its NLP and machine learning technologies, instantly answers customer queries about private pensions and life ins
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Client Story: Eureko Sigorta (Insurance)

Eureko Sigorta’s virtual assistant built on CBOT Platform and CBOT’s NLP (Natural Language Processing) technology, enables users to reach the information instantly. Eureko Sigorta’s customers receive instant answers to their questions regarding contracted institutions and tracking damage documents by
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Client Story: Havaş Aeorobot

CBOT & Havaş Co-created a Successful Virtual Assistant   “Aeorobot”, the virtual assistant of Havaş, built on CBOT Platform and CBOT’s NLP (Natural Language Processing) technology, enables users to reach the information through its web page. Havaş users receive instant answers to their questions o
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Amazon Skincare Bot

Helps find the best thing that happened your face for a long time for Amazon UK: Humanizing the e-commerce experience Finding the appropriate product is a tough task, as far as skincare is concerned. The huge proliferation of brands and products is confusing the consumers about which one is the most app
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Client Story: n11 – n11 Destek (Support)

CBOT & n11 Launched a Successful Customer Support Assistant  A leading marketplace, n11 launched its support assistant “n11 Destek” that handles 70% of the queries n11 Destek is positioned as facing and welcoming the customers who want to get support service before the live agent team. Through the system d
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Client Story: Ford – FObot

Ford – FObot: The first AI-based HR chatbot in Turkey that helps such a large audience CBOT and one of the most established industry institutions of the country, Ford, launched the first 100% AI-based HR chatbot that addresses such a large user base in Turkey FObot, developed by the collaboration of Ford&
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