CBOT unveils integration with ChatGPT
Since Open AI launched ChatGPT in November 2022, it has been a trending topic with 1 million users in less than a week. Everyone is sharing their use cases on ChatGPT like answering questions, doing homeworks, summarising essays, writing blogs, etc. It is not just a hype but a milestone towards the next level conversational AI. It’s really successful in generating sentences quite similar to how humans write and talk as it is developed on a large language model (LLM). We, as CBOT, considered this as an opportunity to leverage the value that we offer through our product, CBOT Platform, and integrated it with ChatGPT that we followed closely since its first R&D phase.
ChatGPT is the world’s most advanced general-purpose chatbot, developed on a large language model (LLM) GPT-3.5. and answers pretty much anything you ask. Large Language Models (LLMs) are AI tools that can read, summarise and translate texts that predict future words in a sentence. This allows the tech to generate sentences that are similar to how we as humans communicate. Beyond generating text, it admits its mistakes, corrects your false assumptions. It is trained on an enormous amount of historical data (pre-2021) and presents its findings in an easily understandable way that can be consumed by anyone. The results, so far, have been beyond impressive.
How do we leverage and enrich our value by integrating with ChatGPT?
First of all let’s make it clear that as far as enterprise-level use cases are concerned, ChatGPT is a complementary, not the main dish. While ChatGPT can be used to generate responses that might be used by a chatbot or virtual assistant, it does not have enough features to be able to replace a conversational AI platform on its own. Only when it is integrated with a conversational AI platform that is able to serve enterprises like CBOT Platform, it is meaningful for an enterprise – because of these reasons:
- Precise responses. ChatGPT’s responses are generated from a statistical perspective. Therefore, there is a possibility of providing biased, incorrect and inadequate answers. However, in enterprise use cases, the answers must be correct in terms of legal, institutional and accuracy perspective, and so they must be created by a human, for the sake of the reputation of the enterprise. The virtual assistants that we build on the CBOT Platform, provide institutionally precise and accurate information to the end user. In particular, institutional and regulatory accuracy of responses is more important in healthcare, finance, public and insurance services.
- Integrations into the back end systems. In the enterprise environment, we build integrations on CBOT Platform into the company’s back end systems to provide a personalised experience for the end user. It is not only public information but also your bank account status, delivery status of your shipment, doctor appointment, paying a tax, etc.
- Goal orientation. When people refer to the conversational capabilities of ChatGPT, they refer to its ability to maintain context, i.e., you get a perfect answer, but want to ask follow-up questions. This is different from the way enterprise virtual agents are designed — they are goal-oriented in their conversations. We build virtual agents that ask AI-generated contextual, clarifying, or detailed questions to go towards what a customer really wants to achieve. ChatGPT currently does not have these abilities.
- Onpremise installation. As CBOT we are capable of installing the system on premise. It is a crucial solution for certain regulated sectors like banking, investments, brokerage, etc.
These are the reasons why ChatGPT needs to be incorporated with enterprise level conversational AI platforms like CBOT Platform.
It will be a winning combination to drive success for brands and customers
Now it is time to combine the powers of ChatGPT & CBOT Platform to provide the best customer experience in the most efficient way. So, we integrated into the large language model (LLM) GPT-3.5 with our high performing engine in CBOT Platform.
We maximise our potential in various fields and enrich our bot building process. Our integration enriches CBOT platform in the following ways:
- Enable us to better identify and auto-generate answers.
- Enriches us in terms of automatic intent recognition.
- Makes us auto-generate better test data.
- Leverages the entity identification.
- Generates responses and analysis that we can imply edit and ensure the enterprise specific standards.
- Builds sample conversations for a given use case and our conversation designers can use it as a starting point to fine tune.
Combining our power with ChatGPT will leverage our product and value proposition
ChatGPT and other LLMs are for public usage and do not fit for enterprise level use cases, but they are powerful tools with great pre-trained models that leverage AI and offer an amazing potential. On the other hand, CBOT Platform is an end to end conversational AI platform designed for enterprise level needs with all the features and tools for designing, training, integrating, testing and deploying virtual assistants that provide a leveraged experience for the end users.
We believe that using ChatGPT, we will save time and energy, and of course cost. ChatGPT has been trained with billions of data points for a generic application. It’s possible to use it for something as specific as conversational commerce, or finance, but very few players in the market have the muscle to train it. CBOT’s domain-specific NLU models can be used to improve the base that ChatGPT provides even further and encourage users to progress further along their customer journey.
As CBOT, we’re thrilled to see that ChatGPT generates excitement and awareness around conversational AI. It fits perfectly with our mission. In all cases, our goal is to support the business results of our clients and provide the best conversational experience to their end users in the most efficient way. So, this is for sure that our integration with ChatGPT will empower our product towards this goal.